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Centralna banka
Bosne i Hercegovine
About CBBH
General Information About the Bank
CBBH Organizational Structure
CBBH Governing Board and Management Structure
Strategic Plan of the CBBH 2016 - 2021
The Integrity Plan of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Terms of use and other online services of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Currency Exchange List
Foreign Exchange List
Other Currencies
BH Currency
KM Banknotes
KM Coins
Security Features of KM Banknotes
Replacing cash KM unfit for circulation
Payment Systems
Real time gross settlement (RTGS)
Gyro Clearing
Clearing of International Payments
Reports and statistics
Oversight of payment systems
CBBiH Registries and EIMM
Single Registry of Accounts of Business Entities in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Central Registry of Credits of legal entities and natural persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Electronic Interbanking Money Market
International cooperation
EU Relations
Membership and relations of BiH with the international financial institutions (IFIs)
Public Relations
Annual Reports
Financial Stability Reports
Quarterly Bulletins
Financial Stability Risk Assessment
Monthly Economic Survey
Annual Financial Statements
Quarterly Financial Statements
CBBH Monthly Report On Currency Board Arrangement
Monthly Report on Financial Position – Data Series (1997-2018)
Weekly report from international financial market
Special Research Topics
Working papers
Human resources
Bank as an employer
Vacancies - employment in CBBH
Internship in the CBBH
Visits CBBH
Public Registry Regulations of CBBH
Financial education
Banks in BH
Public procurement
Accessibility options
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