
Statistics production is one of the standard key functions in modern central banks as it is necessary to conduct monetary policy and analyse economic and financial trends. Since the establishment, the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina has devoted considerable attention to the compilation of statistics so it is determined that the statistics data should be available free of charge, as public good with high quality. With the Statistics Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina is a producer of official statistics at the level of Bosnia and Herzegovina and participates in the realization of the plans of statistical research in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Official statistics of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina is an integral part of macroeconomic statistics, produced within the statistical system in Bosnia and Herzegovina and covering three areas of macroeconomic statistics: statistics of monetary and financial sector, external sector statistics and government finance statistics. The development of statistics of financial accounts as a new statistical area, is underway.

Compiling and publishing statistics is carried out by applying the valid domestic and international methodologies (and intensive efforts have started recently with purpose of introducing relevant methodologies and standards from the EU statistical system) for each of the areas, which ensures the harmonization with other macroeconomic statistics (national accounts etc...). Within each of these statistical areas, a number of separate and complex pieces of statistical research are conducted. Processed statistics are made available to the general public through publications, web site (through the dynamic portal Panorama Necto) and through the international distribution of statistical data of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The quality and methodological correctness of statistics is monitored and evaluated by international institutions (IMF – ROSC Report, Data Module; Eurostat – Annual Compliance Monitoring for the Countries in the Enlargement Process and the Adapted Global Statistics Estimate in Bosnia and Herzegovina). Thanks to the achieved quality and timeliness, the statistical data from the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina have met the conditions for being included in the IMF Standardized Data Dissemination System (SDDS), by which Bosnia and Herzegovina has become a part of this international initiative for the exchange of internationally comparable data.

With purpose of improving the quality, consulting and control with data sources are done continuously and data users are provided with explanations and improvements and enhancements of statistics are planned based on their requests. We are continuously working on strengthening cooperation within domestic statistic system in BH, but also at the international level (Eurostat, ECB, BIS, countries in the region).

Statistical data series have different lengths, depending on the date of the beginning of their compilation, and the earliest series start with the data of 1997. With statistical data, users have available also methodological explanations. In the calendar of publishing statistical data, the frequency and deadlines of publications by statistical areas are indicated:




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