Statistical Appendix External Sector Statistics - Statistical Appendix Stocks of direct investment abroad Flows of direct investment abroad Stocks of Direct Investment in Bosnia and Herzegovina by Country and by Activity Sections Monetary and Financial Sector Statistics -Statistical Appendix Attachment 1a 4SR - Balance Sheet of Other Financial Institutions of BH Attachment 12a - Analytical Review of Loans of Commercial Banks Attachment 10a - Analytical Review of Deposits at Commercial Banks Attachment 7a - Analytical Review of Loans to Households by Purpose with Flows Attachment 4a 2SR - Balance Sheet of BH Commercial Banks Attachment 3a 1SR - Balance Sheet of Central Bank of BH Government Finance and Financial Accounts Statistics GFS - Statistical Appendix ESA 2010 Table 0200 - Main Aggregates of General Government ESA 2010 Table 0900 - Detailed tax and social constribution receipts by type of tax or social contribution