Advanced Release Calendar - Portal Data category Periodicity Release dates - 2020 MONETARY SECTOR (03/2020) (04/2020) (05/2020) (06/2020) 1. Monetary aggregates Monthly 4 - 8 May 1 - 5 June 1 - 7 July 3 - 7 August 2. Monetary survey Monthly 4 - 8 May 1 - 5 June 1 - 7 July 3 - 7 August 3. Balance sheet of Central bank of BH Monthly 4 - 8 May 1 - 5 June 1 - 7 July 3 - 7 August 3.a Annex - 1SR-Balance sheet of Central bank of BH Monthly 4 - 8 May 1 - 5 June 1 - 7 July 3 - 7 August 4. Consolidated balance sheet of commercial banks of BH Monthly 4 - 8 May 1 - 5 June 1 - 7 July 3 - 7 August 4.a Annex - 2SR-balance sheet of commercial banks of BH Monthly 4 - 8 May 1 - 5 June 1 - 7 July 3 - 7 August 5. Consolidated balance sheet of commercial banks of Federation of BH Monthly 4 - 8 May 1 - 5 June 1 - 7 July 3 - 7 August 6. Consolidated balance sheet of commercial banks of Republika Srpska Monthly 4 - 8 May 1 - 5 June 1 - 7 July 3 - 7 August 7. Loans to households by purpose (sample of the largest asset banks) Monthly 4 - 8 May 1 - 5 June 1 - 7 July 3 - 7 August 7a. Annex - Analitical review of loans to households by purpose with flows Monthly 4 - 8 May 1 - 5 June 1 - 7 July 3 - 7 August 8. Indexed loans Monthly 4 - 8 May 1 - 5 June 1 - 7 July 3 - 7 August 9. Total of deposits and loans of commercial banks Monthly 4 - 8 May 1 - 5 June 1 - 7 July 3 - 7 August 10. Sectoral structure of deposits of commercial banks Monthly 4 - 8 May 1 - 5 June 1 - 7 July 3 - 7 August 10.a Annex - Analytical survey of deposits of commercial banks Monthly 4 - 8 May 1 - 5 June 1 - 7 July 3 - 7 August 11. Households deposits by maturity Monthly 4 - 8 May 1 - 5 June 1 - 7 July 3 - 7 August 12. Sectoral structure of loans of commercial banks Monthly 4 - 8 May 1 - 5 June 1 - 7 July 3 - 7 August 12a. Annex - Analytical survey of loans of commercial banks Monthly 4 - 8 May 1 - 5 June 1 - 7 July 3 - 7 August 13. Structure of deposits and loans of commercial banks by currency Monthly 4 - 8 May 1 - 5 June 1 - 7 July 3 - 7 August 14. Buying and selling KM Monthly 4 - 8 May 1 - 5 June 1 - 7 July 3 - 7 August 15. Reserve requirements Monthly 4 - 8 May 1 - 5 June 1 - 7 July 3 - 7 August 16. Payments System Transactions Monthly 4 - 8 May 1 - 5 June 1 - 7 July 3 - 7 August 17. Foreign Reserves of Central Bank of BH Monthly 4 - 8 May 1 - 5 June 1 - 7 July 3 - 7 August 18. Average exchange rates Monthly 4 - 8 May 1 - 5 June 1 - 7 July 3 - 7 August Data category Periodicity Release dates - 2020 INTEREST RATE STATISTICS (03/2020) (04/2020) (05/2020) (06/2020) Interest rates on loans to households in KM Monthly 4 - 8 May 1 - 5 June 1 - 7 July 3 - 7 August Interest rates on loans to households in KM indexed to EUR Monthly 4 - 8 May 1 - 5 June 1 - 7 July 3 - 7 August Interest rates on revolving loans and credit cards to households Monthly 4 - 8 May 1 - 5 June 1 - 7 July 3 - 7 August Interest rates on loans to non-financial corporations in KM Monthly 4 - 8 May 1 - 5 June 1 - 7 July 3 - 7 August Interest rates on loans to non-financial corporations in KM indexed to EUR Monthly 4 - 8 May 1 - 5 June 1 - 7 July 3 - 7 August Interest rates on revolving loans and credit cards to non-financial corporates Monthly 4 - 8 May 1 - 5 June 1 - 7 July 3 - 7 August Interest rates on deposits of households Monthly 4 - 8 May 1 - 5 June 1 - 7 July 3 - 7 August Interest rates on deposits of non-financial corporations Monthly 4 - 8 May 1 - 5 June 1 - 7 July 3 - 7 August Data category Periodicity Release dates - 2019 and 2020 OTHER FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS (OFI) (12/2018) (6/2019) 1.Balance Sheet of Other Financial Institutions BH Semi annually 24-30 April 2019 24-31 October 2019 2.Balance Sheet of Insurance Companies BH Semi annually 24-30 April 2019 24-31 October 2019 3.Balance Sheet of Investment Funds BH Semi annually 24-30 April 2019 24-31 October 2019 4.Balance Sheet of Leasing Companies BH Semi annually 24-30 April 2019 24-31 October 2019 5.Balance Sheet of Microcredit Organizations BH Semi annually 24-30 April 2019 24-31 October 2019 6.Balance Sheet of Brokerage Houses BH Semi annually 24-30 April 2019 24-31 October 2019 7.Balance Sheet of Stock Exchanges BH Semi annually 24-30 April 2019 24-31 October 2019 (03/2020) (04/2020) (05/2020) (06/2020) 8. Trading of securities on BH Stock Еxchange Monthly 4 - 8 May 1 - 5 June 1 - 7 July 3 - 7 August 9. The Мarket Capitalization and Indexes on BH Stock Exchanges Monthly 4 - 8 May 1 - 5 June 1 - 7 July 3 - 7 August Data category Periodicity Release dates - 2020 EXTERNAL SECTOR (Q3/2019) (Q4/2019) Balance of payments of BH Quarterly until Mar 31, 2020 until Jun 30, 2020 International Investment Position Quarterly until Mar 31, 2020 until Jun 30, 2020 Flows of foreign direct investment Quarterly until Aug 15, 2020 until Aug 15, 2020 Exports and imports of goods on BoP basis Quarterly until Mar 31, 2020 until Jun 30, 2020 Stocks of foreign direct investment Annualy until Aug 15, 2020 (02/2020) (03/2020) (04/2020) (05/2020) Exports and imports of goods - seasonally adjusted data series Monthly until 31.03.2020. until 30.04.2020. until 31.05.2020. until 30.06.2020. Exports and imports by commodities / countries Monthly until 31.03.2020. until 30.04.2020. until 31.05.2020. until 30.06.2020. Monthly Effective Exchange Rates (NEER and REER) Monthly until 30.04.2020. until 31.05.2020. until 30.06.2020. until 31.07.2020. Data category Periodicity Release dates - 2019 GOVERNMENT FINANCE STATISTICS (Q2/2019) (Q3/2019) GFS - Central Government - Statement of Government Operations Quarterly until 30.09.2019. until 31.12.2019. GFS - Consolidated FBiH* - Statement of Government Operations Quarterly until 30.09.2019. until 31.12.2019. GFS - Consolidated RS* - Statement of Government Operations Quarterly until 30.09.2019. until 31.12.2019. Stock of External Debt - by creditors Quarterly until 30.09.2019. until 31.12.2019. Servicing of foreign debt Monthly up to 30 days after end of previous month Maastricht debt Quarterly up to 90 days after end of previous quarter (Annual for 2019) GFS - General Government - Statement of Government Operations Annual until 30.06.2020. GFS - Consolidated FBiH - Statement of Government Operations including local level Annual until 30.06.2020. GFS - Consolidated RS - Statement of Government Operations including local level Annual until 30.06.2020. Financial Balance Sheet BH General Government Annual until 31.10.2020. Data category Periodicity Release dates - 2018 FINANCIAL SECTOR (Q4/2017) (Q1/2018) Financial Soundness Indicators Quarterly until 31.03.2018. until 31.05.2018. Notes: ( ) = reference period * Without local level of government