Balance of Household Deposits in the End of September 2015


According to the data of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina (CBBH), the total household deposits with commercial banks in BH, in the end of September 2015, amounted to KM 9.62 billion, which is the highest recorded deposit amount so far. In the total deposits with commercial banks in BH, household deposits have by far the largest share of 60%.

Households in BH continuously find ways to increase their deposits despite the fact that the wages and other receipts do not record any significant increase. So, compared to the balance in the end of September of the previous year, deposits increased by even KM 719 million or 8.1%. If we compare the household deposits with the balance in the end of December 2008, i.e. the moment of the beginning of the global crisis, we can observe a constant growth at the annual level in the range 8-15%, which resulted in a cumulative deposit growth of KM 4.41 billion or 84.8%. This indicates the established confidence in the banking sector and its stability, and it is also a result of the existence of deposit insurance system, which was successfully tested in the previous year, which provides an adequate protection of depositors. 

However, observed by deposit maturities, there are considerable differences in the speed of growth. Sight deposits record the fastest growth, which, compared to the balance in the end of September 2014, increased by 18.2% (i.e. KM 338 million), followed by transaction accounts which recorded an increase of 12.7% (i.e. KM 228 million). Term and savings deposits increase with lower intensity, so at the annual level they recorded a growth of 3% (i.e. KM 153 million).

Term and savings deposits in September 2015 amounted to KM 5.40 billion, which is 56% of the total household deposits, while transaction accounts and sight deposits accounted for KM 4.22 billion and had the share of 44%.

Regarding the currency structure, household deposits in KM amounted to KM 3.98 billion or 41.3% of the share, deposits in euro amounted to KM 5.12 billion or 53.2%, and deposits in other foreign currencies amounted to around KM 527 million or 5.5%.

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