Numismatic Exhibition “Trail of Money” Opened while Marking the 20th Anniversary of the CBBH


August 11, 2017

On August 11th, 2017, while marking the 20th anniversary of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina (CBBH), the numismatic exhibition entitled „The Trail of Money“ was opened in the National Museum in Sarajevo. The exhibition represents the first one in the whole range of activities by which the CBBH, under the slogan „20 years of stability“, celebrates the 20th anniversary of its operations. The exhibition ceremonial opening was done by CBBH Governor Senad Softić, Ph.D., and the opening ceremony was preceded by the Celebration Session of the CBBH Governing Board. 

In his jubilee speech to the attendees, Governor Softić emphasized that the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which started to operate on August 11, 1997, has been responsible for putting money in circulation and implementation of the monetary policy in the unique economic space. 

„I am proud to point out that the CBBH has been completely independent, credible and transparent institution, and that while implementing the monetary policy, during all these years, it has served as one of the foundations of macroeconomic stability“, Governor Softić said. 

First convertible mark banknotes were put in circulation on June 22, 1998, and first coins on December the same year. 

„The numismatic exhibition, which we are opening today shows, the most beautiful and the most important samples of the currency in circulation in the current territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, dating back from the 4th century B.C. to the 21st century, which are parts of the currency collection in the ownership of the National Museum of BH or the CBBH, including also the currency which is currently in circulation“, the Governor said. 

The exhibition will be open until September 22, 2017. With the aim of promoting this exhibition and informing the public about the currency in circulation in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina through various historical periods, the CBBH plans, in cooperation with the partner institutions and educational institutions, to organize visits to the Museum until the exhibition closing. 

In the National Museum, a promotional video about the CBBH was presented, and during the exhibition, in the area where the numismatic exhibition is presented, a movie about the CBBH will be also showed. Governor Softić also presented the jubilee silver coin of the CBBH, especially designed and produced in order to make the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the CBBH complete.


Since the focus of the CBBH work during the past 20 years has been on stability, in the evening, the video projection „20 Years of Stability“ will be shown on the facade of the CBBH building in Sarajevo.