Moody's Affirmed Credit Rating Of Bosnia And Herzegovina


February 19, 2018

International agency for the assessment of state (sovereign) credit rating Moody's Investors Service affirmed the credit rating of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as B3 with the Stable Outlook.

In support to the affirmed credit rating, the analysts of the Moody's have emphasized resilient economic growth of Bosnia and Herzegovina, although structural challenges, including very high unemployment, have had negative effects on the economic strength. Analysts said that Bosnia and Herzegovina has been  moderately indebted country with relatively low interests , and that this has contributed to its fiscal strength.

Analysts comment the ongoing political volatility as the one not contributing to the effectiveness of the policies' formation and implementation, and in particular that it has affected the implementation of agreed Reform Agenda.

The Stable Outlook is based on expectation that Bosnia and Herzegovina will continue to meet the conditions for the external financing, especially the one by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which would provide the needed financial and technical assistance for the gradual implementation of the Reform Agenda. Moody's rating agency also expects that the authorities will continue the progress on the path to EU accession, especially with regards to recently announced European Commission Strategy for the Western Balkan countries.