The Global Money Week Marked With The Debate Of The High School Pupils At The CBBH


Sarajevo, March 16, 2018

Marking the Global Money Week, within the financial education carried out among pupils and students, the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina (CBBH) in cooperation with the European Fund for South Eastern Europe - Development Facility (EFSE – DF) organized today, on March 16, 2018, the debate of the high school pupils on the topic „Cash payment is more favorable than non-cash payment“.

The participants of the debate were the pupils of the Catholic school center „Sv. Josip“ from Sarajevo and the pupils of the PI High school center „Istočna Ilidža“ from Istočno Sarajevo. The judges, the three representatives of the CBBH, have decided  the debating team of the PI High school center „Istočna Ilidža“ from Istočno Sarajevo to be the winner, and Marko Mojsilović, a pupil of this school, to be the best debater.

Both teams, one of which was the affirmative team (Catholic school center „Sv. Josip“ from Sarajevo) which presented the arguments in favour of the cash payment, and the other one was the negation team (PI High school center „Istočna Ilidža“ from Istočno Sarajevo) which argued for non-cash payment, have shown excellent preparation and knowledge in the  finance area, the maturity in the way of thinking and fair commenting on the other team’s positions. In the closing arguments, the judges pointed out that it was difficult to make the decision on the winner taking into account the well-grounded arguments of both teams.

The organization of the debate was the opportunity for the pupils to learn about some important issues in the field of financial education, and at the same time, in cooperation with EFSE – DF, the CBBH marked the Global Money Week, that has already been marked for years around the world at the initiative of the Child and Youth Finance International.

Marking the Global Money Week includes various activities, aimed to inspire children and young people to learn about the value and flows of money, about savings and its significance and the other topics in the field of finance. The purpose of these efforts is to achieve a higher degree of financial literacy and inclusion of young people and children.