The CBBH Denies The News On The State Investigation And Protection AGENCY (SIPA) “Raid”


Sarajevo, 18 October 2018

In order to accurately and thoroughly inform the public, the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina (CBBH) wants to announce that an inaccurate information has been published today by a BH media, about “the raid” of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) in the CBBH premises.

None building of the CBBH has ever been, in the past, nor today, under the raid of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA).

For clarification sake we inform the public that due to the labor-law suit filed by a CBBH employee, and pursuant to the written request of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA), the CBBH has provided the requested documentation on this very case via mail office, and this is all communication and action related to the matter.

The data on the CBBH operations, as well as the verification of the information that has been published, are available, as it has been the case so far, in the CBBH Public Relations Section.