The CBBH Celebrated the World Saving Day In Mostar


Sarajevo, 31 October 2018

Within the programme of financial education, carried by the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina (CBBH), for several years, already, and on the occasion of the World Saving Day, celebrated on October 31, 2018, visit of the pupils of Mostar Primary School “Antun Branko Šimić” and the students of the Mostar Gymansium was organized in the premises of the Main Unit Mostar, today.

During this educational visit, the suitable presentation on money management and importance of saving, adapted to pupils’ age, were organized, aiming to create the awareness and development of these useful habits with kids from their earliest days. Furthermore, the pupils were able to get acquainted with the work and functions of the CBBH.

The World Saving Day was an opportunity for distribution of appropriate publications to pupils – kids picture book entitled „Novko and Novčica in the Moneyland“[1], and a flyer for high school students entitled „What is Saving?“.

This and similar events organized on the occasion of the World Savings Day, are the integral parts of the financial education that the CBBH has been carrying out in the past years with the aim of strengthening financial inclusion and responsible financial management for the benefit of economic development and growth of Bosnia and Herzegovina. So far, the CBBH has been opening its doors to pupils of primary and secondary schools and students from universities from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina and from foreign universities (USA, Austria).

Today, along with the main event held in Mostar, the CBBH also hosted in its Sarajevo premises the pupils from the primary school from Sarajevo, and high schools from Maglaj and Velika Brijesnica.

Also, the CBBH organized the celebration of the World Saving Day in Pale (October 29, 2018), and in Banja Luka, too (October 30, 2018). The same will be done in Brčko (November 1, 2018).

These activities have been carried out within the framework of the Financial Education and Inclusion Promotion project, implemented by the CBBH and supported by the European Fund for Southeast Europe - Development Facility (EFSE DF).

[1] Novko and Novčica are childlike personifications of a coin and a banknote