The Statistics Of The Other Financial Institutions Sector In BH 5/23/2019 Tweet Sarajevo, 23 May 2019 Within its regular statistics, the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina (CBBH) has published statistical data for the end of 2018, on the size and structure of the balance sheets of financial institutions which are part of the Sector of Other Financial (Non-banking) Institutions (OFI). The OFI statistics in BH at the end of 2018 includes the data for 26 insurance companies with the reinsurance company, 35 investment funds, 7 leasing companies, 25 microcredit organizations, 8 brokerage houses and 2 stock exchanges. The total assets of the OFI sector in BH, on December 31, 2018, amounted to KM 4.15 billion and increased by KM 283.6 million or 7.3 % compared to the end of 2017. The largest share in the assets of the OFI sector is taken by insurance companies – the assets of KM 1.92 billion (the share of 46.2 % of this sector), followed by microcredit organizations with the assets of KM 951.1 million (22.9 %), investments funds with the assets of KM 894.6 million (21.5 %), leasing companies with the assets of KM 369.2 million (8.9 %), and the remaining KM 19.1 million (0.5 %) is related to brokerage companies and stock exchanges. At the annual level, the increase of the assets of the OFI sector was under the strongest impact of the increase of the assets of the microcredit organizations by KM 101.45 million and that of insurance companies by KM 100.9 million, while leasing companies and investment funds recorded lower increases – KM 43.6 million and KM 36.3 million. In the structure of the assets of the OFI sector, loans (with the share of 25.8 %) and deposits (23.8 %) have the largest shares, and they are followed by the investments in stocks (15,1 %), investments in securities (13.4 %), non-financial assets (12.8 %), and the remaining 9.1 % refers to other claims. In the structure of the liabilities of the OFI sector, the capital accounts (with the share of 42.1 %) are dominating, followed by the technical reserves of insurance (31.3 %), loans (17.3 %), and the remaining 9.5 % are the accounts of other claims. Nearly the same structure of the balance sheet of the OFI sector was recorded at the end of 2017, only loans recorded growth in total in the balance sheet at the end of 2018 by about 1.5 %, both in the assets and liabilities, due to increase in lending to the household sector by the microcredit organizations. During the previous five years, the OFI sector has been recording positive annual growth rates, ranging from 1 % to 7.3 %, which means that the growth accelerated in 2018. Despite this growth of non-banking institutions, the banks remained dominant because they accounted for 88.7 % of the total financial sector assets. This statistics is available on a semi-annual basis until 2018, and from 2019 the statistics of the OFI sector will be collected on quarterly basis. The statistics of the OFI sector has been adjusted to the international methodology defined by the IMF. By applying this methodology, it is possible to calculate all segments of the financial sector in a unique manner, since a unique method of valuation and classification is applied for all the financial institutions.