Third Stage of Establishment of the Single Registry of Transaction Accounts Presented


Presentation of the third stage Transaction Accounts Single Registry setting, which will enable users' access to the data in the Register via Internet, was held today, March 18, 2005, in the organization of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina (CBBH) and in the premises of the CBBH.

Implementation of the entire project was done by the CBBH Project Team, led by Vice Governor Anka Musa, thus completing the establishment of the Single Registry of Transaction Accounts. Namely, with the first stage, which started with implementation on July 5, 2004, the Registry was accessible only for legal entities, and for the purpose of control in the payments system, it also became available for citizens as of November 2004.

As of March 18, 2005, the Registry contains 219.000 accounts, out of which, 171.000 are active, 18.000 are blocked, and 30.000 are closed. Through the Main Units of the CBBH, around 3.000 written reports from the Registry were issued from the Registry until now and this Registry mostly helps in the discovery of the financial structures and transactions which companies and individuals can use in the illegal manner, such as tax evasion and money laundering. Registry also provides information to all citizens and legal entities who/which have to charge their claims through the forced payments through the authorized institutions.

Implementation of the third stage will make possible for users to search the Registry quickly and simply, which means that users, who, until now, could only obtain the data from the registry through the written request, will now be able to do that through the Internet - with the online search of the Registry. Online search will become available on April 4 this year.

Through the online access, potential users can search the data of the legal entities, print reports on accounts, and download the files containing data on accounts. The system has maximum protection, which means that no one who does not have so-called smart card will be able to access the Registry and this card can be obtained after the completing of the required procedure. The price of the online access to Registry search is 100 KM monthly, that is, 1200 KM for one year.

For those who do not prefer to use the Internet access, reports from the Registry will still be available through the written request.

Today's presentation was attended by the representatives of the state and entities agencies, among others, of Ministries of Justice, Tax and Customs Administrations, Banking Agencies…

All required data, as well as the sign-in form for the access can be found on the CBBH web site

Public Relations Section
Zijada Kovač