Statistics of the CBBH on Foreign Investments for Nine Months of 2004


Foreign direct investment for nine months of 2004 amounts to 532 millions KM, while total foreign investment are 943 millions KM, the results of the survey of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina (CBBH) showed.

The Governor of the CBBH Peter Nicholl underlined these data were encouraging and foreign investment kept momentum from the previous year having record inflow of investment. These amounts does not include a large investment in Zenica steel mill which happened after September.

In terms of industry breakdown most of investment were in banking 35.1%, manufacturing 31% and trade 11.3% of total foreign direct investment.

Most of investment were by investors from Austria in amou nt of 269 millions KM, then Croatia 79 and Slovenia 34 millions KM. These three countries accounts for 72% of direct foreign investment. The same countries are also leaders in total foreign investment, so Austria contributed 562 millions KM, Croatia 140 and Slovenia 68 millions KM.

The infow of foreign investment was changable over three quarters, so the largest inflow was in period April to June, while the first and third quarter recorded lower investment.

The CBBH compiles these statistics through quarterly surveys with direct collection of data from both companies and banks and in accordance with the international methodology. In that way it is possible to get reliable data on actual structure and value of foreign investment.

After initial introduction and testing during three quarters of 2004, this statistics will be available for each next quarter.

The CBBH thanks to the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of BH on their contribution, as well to the companies providing necessary data. Detailed data including tables by industris and country of origin with methodology notes are available on the CBBH web site


Public Relations Section
Zijada Kovač