ECB Delegation Visited CBBH


The Delegation of the European Central Bank (ECB) has visited today, September 8, 2004, the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina (CBBH), in order to discuss future cooperation of the two institutions and in order to increase its knowledge on BH economy.

This is the first visit of the European Central Bank representatives to the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina and it took place after the recent European Union (EU) enlargement, which gives the possibility to the ECB to review the future expected EU enlargement. In this context, the intention of the ECB is to strengthen its relations with the central banks of countries which are potential EU candidates.

The meeting of the ECB and CBBH representatives had an informative character. The ECB Delegation was informed on the condition in the CBBH and its activities, and it was stressed that, in order to connect with the ECB, the Department for the European Integrations was established and one of the obligations of this Department would be harmonization of the regulations with the ECB regulations.

The CBBH's guests have offered their assistance in preparation of the necessary documents and training of employees, and one of the ideas initiated at the meeting is to organize the conference next year with participation of the central banks of countries of the Southeastern Europe which are considered to be the potential EU candidates. The purpose of this meeting will be preparation of everything necessary for joining the European Integrations in the future.

Beside the highest-level CBBH officials, the ECB Delegation, which consisted of Director General of the International and European Relations Pierre Van Der Haegen, Deputy Head of Division for International and European Relations Adalbert Winkler and Economist in Department for the International and European Relations Oscar Calvo - Gonzales also had discussion with representatives of the Department for the European Integrations of the CBBH.

Public Relations Section
Zijada Kulović