Information on the Single Transaction Account Registry


The Single Transaction Account Registry, which became operational on July 5, 2004, contains all transaction accounts of the legal entities in BH.

The Registry contains all following details: the number of account, the name of the legal entity, address of the headquarter, canton, municipality, unique identification number, field of work, organizational form, property form, date of the opening of the account, date of the first transaction, status of the account (open, blocked, closed), date of the status change, type of the account (legal entity, independent contractor, administrative bodies), political community to which the legal entity belongs (BH Federation, Republika Srpska, Brčko District BH), the name of the bank where the account is opened and the name of the CBBH Main Unit to which the bank belongs.

Only the CBBH Main Units can issue the data from the Registry. It is necessary to provide the written request with the explanation in person, mail, and fax or by e-mail to one of the Main Units of the CBBH - the Main Unit of the CBBH Sarajevo, Main Unit of the CBBH Mostar or Main Bank of Republika Srpska of the CBBH Banja Luka.

Submitter of the request for the information from the Single Transactional Accounts Registry can be any legal entity or citizen. As a part of the request for the issuing of the information from the Single Transactional Accounts Registry, legal entities and citizens are obliged to provide the reason for the issuing of the data and the proof on the payment of the fee for issuing of such certificate.

Fee has to be paid to the account in the CBBH with the number:000 00 200000000 97, with the call on the number 703815.

The Main Units of the CBBH can issue certificates about the following information from the Single Transactional Accounts Registry:

  • Report on legal entity;
  • Report on account;
  • Report on blocked accounts of the bank;
  • Report on the history of account status.

The a.m. certificates are issued each business day from 8.00 until 16.00.

The fee is five KM per one certificate for one subject from the Registry.

The commercial banks are exclusively responsible for the accuracy of the data in the Single Transactional Accounts Registry, while the CBBH is responsible for the timely collecting of changes, their updating as well as of distribution.

Public Relations Section
Zijada Kulović