200 KM Banknote in Circulation


New BH banknote - 200 KM - was symbolically released into circulation on May 15, 2002 during the promotion that was held in the Central Bank of BH in Sarajevo. Decision to print the new banknote was made by the Governing Board of CBBH. Total of six millions of 200 KM banknotes will be printed, and first three millions of 200 KM banknotes were already delivered to CBBH, while the remaining three millions should be delivered to CBBH in following months.
Ivo Andric, famous writer and the Nobel Prize winner is featured on the face of the new banknote, while bridge on River Drina, theme from his novel "Bridge on River Drina", is featured on the reverse side of the banknote. The banknote continues to practice equal usage of both, Latin and Cyrillic script, but unlike the previous, smaller denominations banknotes, 200 KM banknote has only one version, which is unique for entire BH. Design of the 200 KM banknote was decided by the Governing Board of the Central Bank of BH and approved by the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina. "This is also a banknote with strong links to the euro. This is very appropriate for BH as Europe is where the future of BH lays. The first link is, of course, that its value is tied to the euro through the Currency Board arrangement. It is worth euro 102,25. The second link with the euro is a bridge on the reverse side, like on all euro banknotes. I think this is a banknote of which BH can feel proud", said Governor of CBBH Peter Nicholl during the promotion of the 200 KM banknote, held on May 15, 2002. President of the BH Presidency Beriz Belkic greeted all present guests and stressed that issuing of the new 200 KM banknote is just one of many assignments that CBBH completed successfully. "CBBH is one of the strongest supporters of the encouragement of the potential foreign investors in BH by keeping the stable currency and low inflation", Belkic said.
200 KM banknote is being printed by the Austrian Company Oesterreichische Banknoten und Sicherheitsdruck GmbH (OeBS), which was chosen after the international tender. Designer of the banknote is Robert Kalina, a man that also designed euro banknotes. "The new 200 KM banknote is almost equal in terms of security compared to the euro notes, so it is one of the most sophisticated and secure banknotes on the market! I was able to create important parts of the note following not only the artistic point of view, but also the secure one. Therefore, this banknote is not only nice to look at, but even so, hard to forge - even with the most sophisticated equipment", said Kalina during the promotion.
Safety elements of the 200 KM banknote that citizens will be able to use in order to recognize this banknote are watermark with the image of Bridge on River Drina, special silver foil, security thread and see-through sign. Special silver foil is used at the face of the banknote, and coat of arms of Bosnia and Herzegovina is bulged, which enables blind people to recognize the banknote. Intaglio relief can be felt on some parts of the banknote with the fingertips. Security thread shows the value of the banknotes, and when it is held under the UV light, it shins colors of the rainbow. See-through sign is coat of arms of Bosnia and Herzegovina that becomes fully visible when the banknote is held up to the light.
Central Bank of BH printed 10.000 posters and 100.000 leaflets in order to inform citizens, companies and institutions on the safety elements of the 200 KM banknote.

Public Relations Office
Almir Salihović