BH Statistic in the IFS Publication


The Governor of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr. Peter Nicholl, announced today, 3 July 2001, that financial and economic statistics for Bosnia and Herzegovina will be published this week by the International Monetary Fund, for the first time, in the July issue of International Financial Statistics (IFS). IFS is the world’s most widely read monthly publication of financial and economic statistics covering some 175 countries. It is regarded as the most authoritative source of country financial and economic information for use by governments, international organizations, private sector investors, the media, economic analysts and other.The inclusion of BiH in the IFS Publication was also welcomed by BH's Governor to the International Monetary Fund Jadranko Prlic. “This will increase the visibility of BiH amongst foreign analysts and investors”, Mr. Prlic said.

“Inclusion of Bosnia and Herzegovina statistics in IFS recognizes the significant advances made by the country in developing macroeconomic statistics over recent years”, said Mr. Nicholl. “It represents the fruition of considerable effort by, and cooperation between, the Central Bank, the Entity Institutes for Statistics, and the State Agency for Statistics, assisted by the IMF and coordinated by Central Bank”, he added. “I wish to thank all these organizations for their cooperation in this important work”, said Mr. Nicholl.

The statistics published for Bosnia and Herzegovina in IFS include data on exchange rates, international liquidity, money and banking, interest rates, foreign trade, the balance of payments and the national accounts.

Mr. Nicholl noted that as further progress is made improving the quality and extending the range, frequency and timeliness of statistics for Bosnia and Herzegovina, more data for the country may be included by the IMF in IFS.



Public Relations Office
Danijela Golijanin