Meeting of the Governors Tomorrow in Belgrade


On Tuesday December 12, 2000 in Belgrade in FR Yugoslavia there will be held the meeting of Governors of Bank of Slovenia, Croatian National Bank, National Bank of Republic of Macedonia, Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina and National Bank of FR Yugoslavia. The host of the meeting is Mlađan Dinkić, Governor of the National Bank of FR Yugoslavia. This meeting is announced in Sarajevo on November 17, 2000 at the meeting of the Governors of national and central banks of the states from the area of former Yugoslavia. At the meeting in Sarajevo, delegation of the National Bank of FRY confirmed that FR Yugoslavia left the principle of the continuity and accepted the principle of the equal heritage of the property of former SFRY. At the Sarajevo meeting the negotiations started about the way of property division of former SFRY National Bank. The continuation of these talks is expected at the tomorrow's meeting in Belgrade. There also will be talks on the improvement of the cooperation of central and national banks of the states from the area of former Yugoslavia. Delegation of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina at this meeting is led by the Governor, Peter Nicholl. On the same day (December 12, 2000) the Round Table, organized by National Bank of Yugoslavia, on the reform of banking sector will be held in Belgrade. It is expected that together with representatives of the banks from Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia, representatives of banks from Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia will take part in it.

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Duška Jurišic