All Five States Equal Participants in the Succession of the Property of Former SFRY <br> The Next Meeting of the Governors of the Central and National Banks in Two Weeks in Belgrade


The representatives of the central and national banks of Slovenia, Croatia, Yugoslavia, Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina met today in Sarajevo in the building of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Organization of this session was agreed during the last meeting of the governors of the central and national banks of Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina in Prague (Check Republic) on September 25 and 26, 2000 during the session of the General Assembly of IMF and World Bank. Governor of the Central bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina Peter Nicholl initiated the meeting to be held in Sarajevo.

The representatives of the Bank of Slovenia on this meeting in Sarajevo were the governor Dr France Arhar and vice governer Janez Košak. The representatives of Croatian National Bank were the vice governors Tomislav Presecan and Relja Martic. Its governor Dr Ljube Trpeski represented National Bank of Republic of Macedonia. The representatives of FR Yugoslavia were the president of the Group "G 17+" Mladjan Dinkic and general manager of the Foreign Exchange Department of the National Bank of FR Yugoslavia Olivera Ilincic.

Governor of CB BH Peter Nicholl reminded that the representatives of this group of the banks has had meetings two to three time yearly for already number of years. But this is first such a meeting in Bosnia and Herzegovina and it is only a second such a meeting where the representatives of all central and national banks from this region were present.

There was a discussion about the issue of the succession of the property of former SFRY. This is very significant meeting because the position of FR Yugoslavia has fundamentally changed. "They (FR Yugoslavia) accepted all five countries are successors states. So we can now start to negotiate the issues of the distribution of the assets. We started that discussion today. There was very good spirit of co-operation and sense of urgency today and we will be meeting again in two weeks time in Belgrade" said governor of the CB BH Peter Nicholl.

The representatives of the central and national banks of Slovenia, Croatia, Yugoslavia, Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina discussed today in Sarajevo about the economic situation and economic problems in their countries. One of the issues on the agenda of this meeting was the reform of the banking sectors. They talked also about the co-operation among the central and national banks in this region and looking to increase it particularly in the areas of staff training and economic research.

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Duska Jurisic