Seminar for Journalists


On October 23rd and 24th 2000 the Central Bank of BiH and European Banking Advisory Service (EUBAS) organized the Seminar for journalists in the Main Office of the CBBH in Sarajevo.

15 journalists form the both BH entities attended Seminar and speakers were local and foreign banking and economic experts: Governor of the Central Bank of BiH, Vice Governors Dragan Kovacevic, Kemal Kozaric and Ljubiša Vladušic, the EUBUS Team Leader Per Madsen, Senior Banking Expert of EUBAS Hans Martens, Political Advisor of the USAID Pero Bosnic.

During the Seminar the following issues were discussed: "Monetary system in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Currency Board", "Bosnia and Herzegovina, KM and EURO, Coping with disappearance of the DEM", "Reform of the banking system in BiH", "Commercial banking", "The new payment system in B-H: Role of the commercial banks and Central Bank of BiH", "The elimination of ZPP and what after?"

On the first day of the Seminar there was held a workshop where attendees discussed with the bankers. The EUBAS also distributed to all Seminar atendees two languages Financial Lexicon with the professional terms from the banking and finances in local and English language. The general opinion of the Seminar attendees is that the Seminar was informative and educating one and they expressed their satisfactory, because they had opportunity to obtain more information about the actualities in banking, i.e. financial sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina is planing further organization of the similar seminars in order to provide timely and accurate information about role of the Central Bank of BiH in the reform of payment system.


No. Name and Surname
Media Organization
1 Azra Sipović Radio BiH
2 Suzana Cerimagić News Agency ONASA
3 Darinka Mitrović News Agency BH PRESS
4 Radan Kipina Radio RTV RS Lukavica
5 Milorad Milojević ATV Banja Luka
6 Slava Govedarica Magazine "Reporter" Banja Luka
7 Nebojša Tojagić NTV Banja Luka
8 Zlata Behram BH TV
9 Enes Plecić "Dnevni avaz"
10 Aldijana Omeragić "Oslobođenje"
11 Radmila Mihić RT RS Banja Luka
12 Jasna Stojanović "Glas srpski"
13 Amer Kapetanović Independent Magazine "BH Dani"
14 Sanjin Beciragić TV OBN
15 Alena Ahmetspahić Magazine " Banke"


No.Name and Surname
1 Peter Nicholl Governor of the Central Bank of BiH
2 Dragan Kovačević Vice Governor of the Central Bank of BiH
3 Kemal Kozarić Vice Governor of the Central Bank of BiH
4 Ljubiša Vladušić Vice Governor of the Central Bank of BiH
5 Per Madsen Head of EUBAS Team
6 Hans Marchens Senior Banking Expert of the EUBAS
7 Pero Bosnić Political Adviser of the USAID