The Next Meeting of the Central Banks Governors From the Region in Sarajevo


Within the Annual Assembly of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, that is being held in Prague, Czech Republic, from September 22 -28 2000, the Governor of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr. Peter Nicholl attended today , on September 25, 2000 (Monday) the meeting of the Governors of the Central banks of Croatia, Slovenia and Macedonia. The previous meeting of four Governors is held on October 24 and 25 1999 in Skoplje (Macedonia).

At the today's meeting in Prague, Governors discussed matters of mutual interest related to the Central Banks in these states. Special focus was devoted to relations of the Central Banks and international financial institutions.

In that sense, the Governors agreed to be a vehicle for further actions, and to accelerate the succession process of the property of former SFRY.
Certain steps in this regard have already been taken , such as intermediary solution of the property of former National Bank of Yugoslavia of SFRY in Basle. Thus, Bank for International Settlements (BIS) offered favorable short-term facility, to the Central Banks of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia and Macedonia. It will be renewed every 6 months. The Central Banks of Slovenia and Macedonia already accepted those arrangements with BIS.

The Governors of the Central Banks of four states form the area of former Yugoslavia agreed about the next meeting to be held in Sarajevo. They also agreed to invite on that meeting the Governor of the National Bank of Yugoslavia, in order to contribute in that way to the process of further acceleration of the succession process, and especially to the exploring of the final solution of division of property of former National Bank of SFRY. The host of the next meeting of the Central Banks Governors of states from the area of former Yugoslavia, at the initiative of the Governor Peter Nicholl, will be the Central Bank of BiH.

Office of Public Relations
Duška Jurišic