Meeting of the Payment Council Held


On March 6 2000 BiH Payment Council Working group held the meeting presided by Vice Governor Kemal Kozaric. The meeting was attended by the representatives of commercial banks, Banking Agencies, Custom Administration and Ministry of Finance as from the Federation, so as from Republic of Srpska.

The subject of the meeting was payments system reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and although it is confirmed that the reform is demanding and complicated project, the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina decided to have active role in the process itself since according to the Law on the Central Bank, the Central Bank is responsible to establish and maintain Payments systems in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Article 3 c). At the meeting it is concluded to take into consideration the possibility of establishing the common Registry of all clients opening accounts in commercial banks and to define minimal criteria for the client to meet in order to open an account in a commercial bank (one client can have several account in several banks).

The general impression is that the representatives of commercial banks as well as the representatives of other institutions are interested in the reform of payments system and that they have taken active part in the Working group. The Working group has a task to prepare all instructions and procedures that are necessary in order to have the payment system transferred into commercial banks.