CBBH Concerned Because of Expenses Which Commercial Banks Have During the KM - DM Exchange Process


Commercial banks have expressed concern that they stand costs in exchanging KM for DM and vice versa, but the CBBH Law does not allow them to charge for this services. As a consequence, some commercial banks are unwilling to carry out KM/DM exchanges. The CBBH is very worried about the impact this could have on the introduction and use of the new KM currency.
oo-The CBBH has therefor had meetings with commercial banks in Sarajevo and Banja Luka and will have further meetings. These meetings are aimed at identifying possible solutions to this problem.
oo -Because of the urgency and importance of the issue the Governor of the CBBH, Mr. Peter Nicholl, has decided that the CBBH will pay a commission of ˝ percent to commercial banks from its resources until such time as a longer-term solution is agreed.
oo-The CBBH has taken this step in order to honor the legal commitment the KM/DM exchange for customer will be at 1:1 while at the same time recognizing that commercial banks do not have costs in providing these services.
oo-The CBBH hopes that with this measure in place all commercial banks will agree to carry out KM/DM exchange transaction and that the introduction of the KM will be enhanced as a result.