Governor Nicholl on the IMF/WB


The Governor of the Central Bank of Bosnia & Herzegovina, Mr. Peter Nicholl is in Washington DC Friday, to participate, as a member of the BiH delegation, in the IMF/World Bank Annual Conference which begins today and runs through the 30th September. As well as the Annual IMF/WB Meetings, Mr. Nicholl will participate as a speaker in a conference organized by the World Bank on "Rebuilding the Domestic Economies of the Balkan Region and Facilitating Economic Ties within the Region and the International Economy". Governor Nicholl said that the main issues to be discussed at the IMF/WB Annual Meetings include:

* Further mechanisms for providing debt relief for the heavily indebted countries, including proposals to effectively revalue upwards some of the IMF's gold reserve.

* Further discussions of the world financial architecture. Progress has been made on issues such as greater transparency and broadly accepted standards for international financial markets. But there has not yet been much progress on involving private financial institutions or bond holders.

* The possible introduction of a short-term funding facility to help countries that may face capital flight around the end of 1999 because of concerns investors and savers have that the country will face Y2K computer problems in their financial system.

* As usual, the meetings will discuss the World Economic Outlook prepared by the IMF. Their latest World Economic Outlook is looking much better than the outlook they forecast at the beginning of 1999, Governor Nicholl said.

The BiH delegation also has bilateral meetings arranged with the IMF and World Bank on those institutions' programs in and for BiH. Governor Nicholl and other members of the delegation will also meet with the leaders of major commercial banks.