Clarifying the Relationship between Promdei banka d.d. Zagreb & The Central Bank of BiH


Sarajevo - There has apparently been some confusion or misunderstanding in some of the press coverage of the death of Ibriham Dedic, owner of Promdei banka d.d. Zagreb. The Central Bank of Bosnia & Herzegovina, (CBBH), DOES NOT, and HAS NEVER HAD ANY financial relationships with Promdei banka d.d. Zagreb. Since it started operations on 11 August 1997, the CBBH has held and has maintained until this day, its' foreign exchange reserves exclusively in banks that are rated "AA" or better by the international and independent "Fitch Bank Rating Agency". Promdei banka d.d. Zagreb certainly does not and never did meet the high standards set by the "Fitch Agency". The financial transactions referred to in the various articles are between the former National Bank of Bosnia & Herzegovina, (NBBH) which is now in liquidation, and Promdei banka d.d. Zagreb. The court action in Zagreb against Promdei banka d.d. Zagreb was initiated by the liquidator of the NBBH and not by the CBBH. "As Governor of the CBBH I fully support the action of the liquidator of the NBBH, but the action does not have any financial consequences for the CBBH", said Peter Nicholl, Governor of the CBBH.

Any further explanation or clarification are welcome and should be directed to the CBBH Office of Public Affairs at 071/444-785 or via email [email protected].
The CBBH reminds the press & public that it will not comment on the liquidation of the NBBH or the financial transactions of the NBBH. These questions will be referred to the Office of the Liquidator of the NBBH.