KM Delivery to Foreign Banks Completed


The Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina (CBBH) is pleased to confirm reports in the local news media, that it has completed the delivery of KM to foreign banks in preparation for the official start of the trading of KM in Austria, Germany and Switzerland.

On Tuesday, 9, March, this week, 1 million KM was delivered to "Dresdner Bank, AG Frankfurt", and a further 50 thousand KM to the CBBH's partner in Zurich Switzerland.On Thursday, 11, March the CBBH delivered a further 300 thousand KM to its partner banks in Vienna Austria.

The names of the other three banks involved in the consumer exchange program, WILL NOT be made public until a formal signing ceremony on Friday March 26th 1999 at the Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Vienna Austria. At this ceremony, all of the technical details on buying and selling KM, banks names and branch locations will be made public. The CBBH also plans an extensive publicity campaign starting on the day of the signing ceremony.

The CBBH is also pleased to inform the public that these four banks in these three countries are only the beginning of a program by the CBBH to create a European-wide network for exchanges at commercial banks, designed to make the KM a true "European Currency".

The CBBH wishes to remind the public that these agreements would not be possible, without the CBBH's strict adhereance to the "Currency Board" priniciples and the strength of the KM!

Other commercial banks in the following countries are on the CBBH's target program with hopes trading can begin before the summer tourist season: Croatia, Hungary, Slovenia and Yugoslavia.

Further questions can be directed to the CBBH Office of Public Affairs at 444-785 or E-mail, [email protected] .