Meeting Between the CBBH and Banking Agencies Held


The Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina (CBBH) held a meeting with the Banking Agencies of the Federation BiH and the Republika Srpska in Sarajevo on Wednesday, 16th February, 1999. The Entity Banking Agencies have the responsibility for licensing and supervising banks in their regions and the CBBH, in terms of its' law, is responsible for coordinating the work of the agencies. This was the third meeting the three institutions had held in order to discuss issues of common interest.

The meeting was chaired by the Governor of the CBBH, Mr. Peter Nicholl, and attended by Mr. Zlatko Barš, director of the Banking Agency of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Mrs. Slavica Injac, deputy director of the Banking Agency of Republika Srpska, and Board members and senior staff from the three institutions.

The meeting discussed a report of a Working Group on the regular reports that the agencies should send to the CBBH and the CBBH should send to the agencies and agreed on the information that would be regularly exchanged. There was also a discussion of the information on banks that should be made available to the public.

The meeting also agreed to set up a Working Group involving representatives of the three institutions to develop a set of criteria that commercial banks will need to meet before they can offer domestic payment services to their customers. These criteria are being developed in anticipation of a removal in the near future of the current MONOPOLY the Payments Bureaus (ZPP) have for domestic payment services. The Working Group is to report back to the full meeting by the middle of March.

The meeting also discussed the process for appointing Temporary managers to insolvent or problem banks and the respective roles of the CBBH and the Banking Agencies in terms of Article 36 of the CBBH Law, which relates to the failure of a commercial bank to meet its statutory reserve requirement. The interpretation of the Article was agreed to and the CBBH will advise all commercial banks.