Newly Appointed American Ambassador Visited the CBBH


Newly appointed Ambassador of the United States of America to Bosnia and Herzegovina Charles English visited with his associates the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina (the CBBH) today on November 8, 2007 and in his talks with the CBBH representatives he supported the work of this institution.

The CBBH Governor Kemal Kozarić, and Vice Governors Ljubiša Vladušić and Feriha Imamović thanked for the assistance that the CBBH has received from the American Government through the United States Agency for the International Development (USAID) and the US Treasury. With their assistance, the CBBH implemented a range of projects, among which the reform of the payments system, establishment of the Registry of Transaction Accounts, and the establishment of the Central Credit Registry of Physical and Legal Entities.

Thanks to the American assistance, the realization of project for the setting up of the interbanking market for cash and gyro money is underway and the US Treasury is included also in the establishment of the government securities trading platform that should start operating on the following year. In this process, the CBBH will have the role of the fiscal agent.

The American Ambassador expressed his pleasure for the way in which the American assistance to the CBBH was implemented, having in mind the results that this institution achieved during its ten years of operations.

The Ambassador was interested in the economic situation in BiH, the monetary policy and the banking sector. The CBBH Governor specially emphasized the importance of establishing the banking supervision at the state level, through which we would meet one of the European standards.

Evaluating as positive, both the political and the financial independence of the CBBH, the American Ambassador expressed his wish for continuance of the cooperation and assistance to the CBBH, and to other state institutions in their road to the European integrations.

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