CBBH transferred KM 59, 9 million to the budget of BH institutions


Today, April 2, 2008, the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina transferred KM 59,9 million to the budget of BH institutions, in line with the Decision on distribution of the net profit which the CBBH earned in 2007.

The CBBH profit for the last year was KM 142,6 million. After reaching the threshold of the capital and monetary liabilities ratio of 5%, distribution of a part of the net profit was performed, of which 60%, or KM 59,9 million was transferred to the account of the budget of BH institutions, while 40%, or KM 39,9 fir the general reserves of the CBBH.

Distribution of the earned profit was made in accordance with the criteria which were established by the provisions of the Law on CBBH.