Data on Card Operations in BH


Out of total 30 commercial banks in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 25 provided card services by the end of 2008. The total number of issued cards, by the end of  December 2008, was 1, 612, 219,  which are 83, 721 cards more than in 2007.

The total   value of transactions realized by cards' use in the last year amounted to KM 3, 7 billion, which is app. KM 260 million. more than it was recorded in the previous year. KM 2, 5 billion of cash or 66% was withdrawn from the ATMs while KM 1, 2 billion or 34%  were  recorded at the POSTs, out of which KM 700 million (59%) is withdrawing of cash  and KM 500 million (41%)  was payment of  goods and services.

Average value of a transaction was KM 149. Average turn over per card annually amounted to KM 2, 335 or KM 192 per month. 

The cash amounting to KM 76 million was  withdrawn from the ATM and POST abroad and the goods  were paid in the amount of KM 100 million with the cards of BH banks. Comparing with 2007, slight growth of the  spending abroad was recorded through the use of cards. Trade in amount of KM 563, 5 million  by  foreign banks' cards was performed through the ATM and POST (point of sale terminals) of the BH banks. Out of that amount, around KM 452 million of cash was withdrawn from the ATM and POST and the value of goods and services paid  by foreign banks cards was about KM 111, 5. 

In operations with cards, it was noticed that banks are trying to increase the  number of the ATM and POS terminals and in 2008 there were  in total  901 ATM and 15,968 POST.  

Out of the total number of   banks, 29  provided e-banking services. It is evident that there is still small number of clients that use this kind of services.

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