EU support to the capacity building of the CBBH human resources management


Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina (the CBBH), in cooperation with Deutsche Bundesbank and Czech National Bank, started the implementation of the project "Capacity Building of Human Resources Department of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina" on September 1, 2009.

Within its long term business strategy, and in line with the standards and the practice of the developed central banks, the CBBH plans to develop and to improve the operations in all areas of operations. Development of the CBBH human potentials is one of the most important aims, since the CBBH considers that only with the competent staff  it will be able to successfully acomplish tasks ahead.

The aim of the project, that will last for six months, is to increase the efficiency and to develop the modern system of human resources management in the CBBH in line with the European standards and internationally acknowledged best practices, in order to improve the institutional capacity in operative terms, and also with the aim of further development and preparations for the European integrations in other relevant fields.

Special attention within this project is focused to the implementation of Basle II recommendations, related to the operational risk in human resources management, provision of efficient and transparent processes and procedures in the area of human resources, as well as, reliable mechanisms of reporting, development of data base on human resources, that will serve as the basis for reliable statistical and analytical reporting, implementation of modern practices in human resources management and the ensuring of  continued improvement of the system.

Within this project, study visits and the exchange of expertise and experience with the experts of Deutsche Bundesbank and Czech National Bank are planned, as well as regional conference on human resources management in Central Banks at the end of the Project.

The project is funded by European Union from the pre-accessing assistance funds of the Mission of European Commission to BH - IPA 2007 through Twinning Light Project, while the Deutsche Bundesbank and the Czech National Bank shall ensure the qualified and experienced experts for its implementation.