Decision On Distribution Of Net Profit Has Adopted


The Governing Board of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina (CBBH) has adopted the Financial Statements for 2009 and the Decision on Distribution of the CBBH net profit.

Out of KM 95,786,379.90 net profit of the CBBH for 2009, the amount of KM 57,471,827.94 will be allocated to the budget account of BH institutions and the amount of KM 38,314,551.96 will be allocated to the account of the CBBH general reserves. 

The distribution is being carried out in accordance to the CBBH Law and the budget account  of BH institutions shall be credited with these funds on April 2, 2010.

The Financial Statements are certified by external auditors DELOITTE d.o.o. Sarajevo and Deloitte Audit and Consulting Ltd. Budapest and will be submitted to  BH Presidency and BH Parliamentary Assembly. 

The Annual Report of the CBBH for 2009, as well as, the Report on the Main Internal Auditor's Office operations for 2009,  were also adopted at the same session of the Governing Board. 

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