Direct Foreign Investments In 2009 Amounted To KM 346 Million


New statistics data of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina (CBBH) shows that the inflow of KM 346 million foreign direct investments was recorded in 2009, amounting to 1.4% of the GDP. This figure confirmed the negative influence of the world financial crises on BH economy in 2009. 

Beside the low level of investing in the ownership capital, only KM 258 million, then KM 311 million into other capital, the negative retained earnings in the total amount of KM -223 million significantly influenced on the total amount of such direct investments. Negative retained earnings were results of negative business results (losses) of certain companies with direct investments, which had not been  the case in previous years.

The largest net inflows of investments came from Croatia (KM 141 million), Russia (KM 129 million), Serbia (KM 105 million), then Germany (KM 91 million). On the other hand, the largest negative values (negative outflows) were recorded in Switzerland (KM -115 million), Austria (KM -105 million), then France (KM -12 million).

Regarding distribution based on scope of industries, there were significant differences in relation to 2008. While 2008 year had been mostly featured by the investments in manufacturing industry (KM 537 million),  the largest investments in 2009 were recorded in the trade sector (KM 179 million).

Trade area recorded the increase of direct foreign investments in the amount of KM 27 million app. Investments in processing industry recorded significant decrease and they amounted to KM 170 million. The global financial crises has had the strongest negative influence on the area of financial mediation, which results in negative values of the direct investments (outflow) in the amount of KM - 91 million.

Total  direct foreign investments balance by the end of 2009 amounted to KM 10.38 billion. This statistics are results of direct research which the CBBH has conducted since 2004 in accordance to the international accepted statistical standards and methodologies. The new data for 2009 year have covered the revised data for the two previous years.

Data are available on the CBBH web site:

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