Data on Card-Based Operations in BH


Out of total 29 commercial banks in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 25 provided cards services to their clients by the end of 2010. The total number of issued cards, by the end of December 2010, was 1,693,466, being less by 80,292 cards compared to end of 2009. The debit cards are prevailing, there are 1,404,491 issued of these, followed by credit cards with 176,839 issued, and cards with deferred payment, there are 111,121 of these.

The total value of cards based transactions, in the country and abroad, amounted to KM 5.47 billion during the last year, which is KM 594 million app. more than in the previous year. However, this amount indicates a reduced growth, because the increase in 2009 compared to 2008 amounted to KM 1.1 billion.

Out of total value of transactions, KM 3.9 billion of cash or 71% was withdrawn from the ATMs, while KM 1.57 billion or 29% was realized at the POSTs (point of sale terminals), out of which KM 778 million (49%) is withdrawal of cash and KM 789 million (51%) was payment of goods and services. The ratio between the values realized through the ATMs according to the value realized at the POSTs (71:29) is slightly better compared to the previous year, when it was 74:26.

The average value of a transaction was KM 138, and compared to the previous year it decreased by KM 3. The average turnover per a card annually amounted to KM 3,229 (KM 269 per month), and compared to 2009 when the average turnover amounted to KM 2,779, is increase of KM 450.

The amount to KM 271 million was recorded through the ATMs and POSTs abroad, with the cards of BH banks. Out of that amount, the cash amounting to KM 111 million was withdrawn, and the goods were paid in the amount of KM 160 million. Comparing to 2009, a growth of consumption abroad, of KM 61 million, was recorded via cards operations. Turnover with the value of KM 759 million by foreign banks' cards was performed through the ATMs and POSTs of the BH banks. Out of that amount, KM 604 million of cash was withdrawn from the ATMs and POSTs and the value of goods and services paid by foreign banks cards was about KM 156 million, which is  KM 18 millions increase compared to 2009. 

Obviously, the banks still attempt to increase the number of ATMs and POSTs, and in 2010 there were in total 1,098 ATMs and 17,834 POSTs.

Out of total number of banks, 28 provided the electronic banking services to their clients. Although there is still a small number of citizens using the Internet for banking operations, a significant increase in the number of individuals using these services is evident. In 2009, the number of individuals who used the services of electronic or Internet banking was 33,000, while in 2010 that number was 48,545. In the same time, the number of legal entities using the Internet for banking operations is almost identical, there were 19,257 ones covered with this service in 2010, and 19,000 in 2009.

Public Relations Section