Balance of Payments Transactions For Q2 2013


The Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina (CBBH) has published statistics on balance of payments for Q2 2013. According to published data, the current account deficit amounted to KM 321.4 million.

This data shows that the deficit largely decreased compared to the same period last year, when it was almost twice bigger, in precise numbers - KM 309.9 million. Similar decrease in deficit was recorded in Q1 2013, so the total current account deficit for the first six months in 2013 amounted to KM 750 million, while in the same period of 2012 the current account deficit amounted to KM 1.2 billion.

The main reason for such an improvement in the external position of BH economy was more favourable flow in foreign trade exchange in the first half of 2013, when the increase in exports and decrease in imports were recorded.

As for the foreign direct investments, there are also more intensive inflows than in the previous years. Net inflows in the first six months amounted to KM 476.8 million, which is significantly more than in the same period last year when they amounted to KM 224.1 million.

Simultaneously, the CBBH has published revised data on balance of payments and the international investment position statistics for 2012. The current account deficit reached 9.7% of the GDP, and available data for this year indicates that, in this respect, there should be a significant downward correction in 2013, i.e. reducing of the economy external exposure and the relative stabilization.

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