The CBBH Puts in Circulation the Additional Quantities of Fening 20, Fening 10 and Fening 5 Coins


Starting November 13, 2013, the additional quantity of coins in denominations of Fening 20, Fening 10 and Fening 5 will be put in circulation by the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina (the CBBH), being the legal tender in BH, according to the Decision of the Governing Board of the CBBH, 100-UV Ref: 90/13, from October 31, 2013, («BH Offical Gazette», No: 88/13).
The coins will be put into circulation successively, through the CBBH's organizational units (the Central Office, Main Units and Branches), and the previous issues of Fening 20, Fening 10 and Fening 5 coins will also stay in circulation.

In accordance with the Decision of the Governing Board of the CBBH, 100-UV Ref: 72/13, as of June 28, 2013, intending to provide a sufficient quantities of coins of the adequate denomination structure for cash payments system in BH, the CBBH has minted the additional quantities of coins in denominations of Fening 20, Fening 10 and Fening 5.

These coins have the basic features and technical specifications as follows:
- the coins in denominations of Fening 20 and Fening 10 in accordance with the Decision on the Issuance, Basic Features and Putting in Circulation of Coins in Denominations of Fening 50, Fening 20 and Fening 10, UV Ref: 23/98, from November 18 and 19, 1998 («BH Offical Gazette», No: 24/98 and 25/98), with change of the number, presenting the year of minting on «2013», on reverse side of the coins in denominations of Fening 20 and Fening 10 and
- the coins in denominations of Fening 5 in accordance with the Decision on the Issuance, Basic Features and Putting in Circulation of Coins in Denominations of Fening 5, UV Ref: 157/05, from December 22 2005 («BH Offical Gazette», No: 92/05), with change of the number presenting the year of minting on «2013», on reverse side of the coins in denominations of Fening 5.

Putting in circulation of additional quantities of coins has no inflationary effect, because none KM banknote or Fening coin shall be put in circulation without adhering to the Currency Board principles, meaning that each issued Convertible Mark shall be covered in foreign currency at the fixed rate.

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