Financial Stability Risk Assessment

Financial Stability Risk Assessment is a publication of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina that provides an overview of potential risks to financial stability in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The report contains an owerview of the main macroeconomic developments and trends in the financial sector in the first half of the year, as well as the risk analyzes results and the assessment of the banking sector resilience to risks, based on data for the first half of the year. The report also contains information on improvements in the financial infrastructure, the most important changes in the regulatory framework of the banking sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and information on the most important developments in the second part of the year.

The aim of this publication is to promote the awareness of the general public and financial institutions about the financial stability issues in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The report is published once a year.

Advanced Release Calendar

Data category Periodicity Release dates - 2023
Financial Stability Risk Assessment Annually December, 2023


Financial Stability Risk Assessment